Many aspiring writers often focus solely on the craft of fiction writing. Still, it can benefit their development to explore other types of writing. Non-fiction writing can be an excellent way to develop skills that apply to the art of fiction writing. By understanding how to write non-fiction, such as journalistic pieces, essays, and reviews, a writer can gain valuable insight into the fundamentals of writing, such as grammar, structure, and style. Non-fiction writing can provide a writer with crucial research skills and an understanding of how to craft an argument. In this article. I’ll share how non-fiction writing helped me develop my fiction writing skills.
Besides writing this weekly piece, I write for a local monthly magazine, the Greenville Stroll. I certainly don’t need another thing to do and don’t earn extra money from either of these gigs, but feel that writing non-fiction for these entities provides these benefits:
· Opportunities to refine my research and interview skills.
· Experience in presenting material in logical, cohesive, and exciting ways.
· I’m continually challenged to teach myself new things and teach others. I make other people’s lives better and/or easier or solve problems.
· It helps me fulfill my other life purpose—teaching. I spent twenty-eight years as a college professor, which was hard to leave behind.
· I have a built-in audience interested in what I have to say.
· Fiction writing requires I create believable worlds and characters. It’s much easier if I have experience with the real world and interview real people.
· I’ve avoided writer’s block. I have a ready supply of inspiration as I engage with people I interview or come across, as I interview almost weekly.
· I’ve noticed many more approaches to writing because each assignment, each week or month, differs from the next, so I have to change the way it’s written. This seeps into my fiction writing.
· I’ve learned to write faster, which is a plus for my fiction writing.
· I’ve made additional contacts to expand my mailing list.
In conclusion, non-fiction writing can be invaluable for those looking to develop their fiction writing skills. Non-fiction writing provides an excellent opportunity for writers to practice their craft and build their skill set. It allows them to hone their ability to craft interesting stories, and it will enable them to better understand the conventions of writing and the dynamics of narrative structure. Non-fiction can provide an excellent outlet for creative exploration and experimentation, allowing writers to explore and develop ideas and concepts before they apply them to their fiction writing. Overall, non-fiction writing can be a valuable tool for any aspiring fiction writer.
Great advice! I like writing nonfiction, also.