Some days I find sex a bore. Not sex itself, writing about it. I had to say it and get it out there. I write romance novels, so it would seem to go against what I do. But some days, I'm not in the mood. My real estate agent always used to say, location, location, location, Kay. She's got that right. These are my top locations for a romantic rendezvous:
Join the Mile High Club. It may seem old-fashioned, but flying might get you and your couple in the mood. You can go a couple of ways with this. They can stay in their seats or slip away and use the restroom. Or if one of them is a billionaire, they’ve got a jet.
Elevator. Having one of them stop the elevator because they can't wait until they arrive at their room is passionate, and putting a camera in there that they need to avoid makes it even more of a challenge, or not. They'll reveal their personalities this way, in how they deal with the idea of someone watching them.
The Beach. Surf, sand, sun, sexy man. OMG, just thinking about it makes me sweat. Imagine Hawaii, miles of deserted beaches with flowers, a driftwood hut, or lying in the water with…. you get the picture.
In a hot tub while it's snowing. Surrounded by hot water while flakes of cold hit their bodies. The heroine is straddling the hero. My oh my, so sexy.
The hood of a car works when you're young and old. I suggest upping to a luxury automobile with an older couple, perhaps going with a vintage one. Nothing like the slippery surface of a car to make it challenging.
Dressing Rooms. My husband insists it should be Nordstrom. This one is lot’s of fun and easy to pull off because when the couple cares for one another, they want each other to look their best. “Does this make my butt look fat?” The answer to this is always no, unless you want to create conflict.
Dining Room Table. I will leave this one to your imagination. There are many ways to approach this, with or without fun toys or food. You are writers, after all.
Revisit their old childhood bedroom or apartment from college. When I saw my apartment from college listed on Trulia, I had a deep desire to find a way to get in there with my husband and relive our past escapades, especially now that it’s an upscale condo and no longer a dump. A second chance at love thing (for the apartment.)
Movie Theater. It’s not just for teenagers. Why should they have all the fun?
Under the stars. If one of them likes to camp and the other, not too much, this could be interesting. One could get poison ivy and give it to the other. They could find a snake in their sleeping bag. If they live in the city, have them go to the rooftop and bring a blanket. I will tell you upfront the only kind of camping I enjoy is at The Four Seasons.
Enough of my ideas. What about yours? Please comment on locations you've found for your couples that generate excitement for you and your readers or ones you've enjoyed reading in the past.
Next week we are lucky enough to have guest author, Ellen Y. Mueller on What do Romance Authors Think About? Ellen Y. Mueller is the author of Run Girl Run, a contemporary young adult novel published by The Wild Rose Press. In addition to writing for teens, she enjoys writing for adults. Currently, she’s working on a dark fantasy novel. Her stories have won several conference awards in Arkansas, and she’s a member of Arkansas Ridge Writers.She’ll be posting about Publisher Rocket, a cost effective software program that assists with selecting effective keywords for Amazon.
under the bleachers?
If I wrote romance, I imagine my couple might visit the high school football stadium.