The plot is half the battle, Cally. Go for it!

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Not just afraid to publish, I seem to be afraid to start writing :( Even though I have the plotline mapped out! Thank you for this push!

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Over editing is a danger. I could read my "final" draft twenty times and find something to change, but probably only the first three reads made the book better. Then I need to quit and give it birth!

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I love how you tell it like it is. I think editors should ask questions when they don’t see eye-to-eye with their author. A conversation or two might improve communication.

I used to be afraid to put my work out there, but not anymore. For the record, I think lots of self-published authors are writing stories as well as those contracted with publishers.

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I was never afraid to publish, but I have certainly have a related consideration. I think the question is less one of fear and more one of reality.

At my age (76), I shall not even get a reply from a high-powered agent able to secure a deal with the "Big Five." Small, traditional houses are a mixed bag, and I have had both wonderful and dreadful experiences with them. [I should perhaps append that two of my "small" publishers died, leading me to wonder whether my works are under some sort of curse!]

Self-publishing is much quicker and easier, but I have encountered problems with the algorithms (or "bots," or whatever computer-generated program is used these days). Thus, I "fear" that I'll either get ripped off by a small publishing house or be denied access to popular platforms if I decide to self-publish. [Please contact me if you have suggestions!]

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I am also not afraid to publish .. but - AMD this is going to sound crazy, can’t work a way around to do just that! Not a techie but have some interesting tales to tell! Will keep trying and know l will succeed as determined! Thanks for the push!

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You are so right, Kim. I keep at it, until there is nothing left.

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No doubt about that, Ellen. By the time you get to your third book you have learned so much from your readers.

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Self-publishing is difficult and it does take many hours of time and keywords are important. You have to juggle them constantly. Like you said small presses are a mixed bag.

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You do not have to be a techie. Many of us are far from it. If you want to do this, you will, Skye!

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