Thank you Kay for reminding us that sexy is a state of mind! I've been writing about people in late teens through forever, but the medical establishment doesn't make it easy to be considered sexy. I actually had a doctor say not to worry about sex since I was in my sixties! I switched doctors. ;-)
I agree with you, Kay. In the third novel of my series, there is an explicit love scene involving the leading characters, who are in their early 60s and mid-70s, respectively. Of course, I don't have a Hollywood deal (and never will), but I am perversely curious to know how they might script such an episode...
Oh wrinkles bother me, I slather on every elixir I can find, but I still stand by my premise that all the outer stuff does not make one sexy. Oh, and I did like your sugar and coconut oil thing, that was dreamy!
Probably, rewrite the script and make them both fifty-year-olds instead. Until people are our age they can’t even fathom the idea that anyone over sixty could still have a sex life.
You're absolutely right about that, Shelley. My doctor said something similar a couple of years ago when I moved to Delaware. She noticed I was on bio-identical hormones and remarked, "I don’t understand why a woman your age would need those." When I explained that I enjoy sex and wanted better lubrication, she never brought it up again. I think when these people reach our age, their perspective might change. Ageism seems socially acceptable, especially by the medical establishment. They're old, therefore we are going to have a bunch of stupid ideas about them.
Tme for you to spend some time with your roommate!
Thank you Kay for reminding us that sexy is a state of mind! I've been writing about people in late teens through forever, but the medical establishment doesn't make it easy to be considered sexy. I actually had a doctor say not to worry about sex since I was in my sixties! I switched doctors. ;-)
I agree with you, Kay. In the third novel of my series, there is an explicit love scene involving the leading characters, who are in their early 60s and mid-70s, respectively. Of course, I don't have a Hollywood deal (and never will), but I am perversely curious to know how they might script such an episode...
I agree. I think a great personality and confidence can make a person as sexy as their outer appearance. Forget the Botox. Wrinkles don’t bother me.
Oh wrinkles bother me, I slather on every elixir I can find, but I still stand by my premise that all the outer stuff does not make one sexy. Oh, and I did like your sugar and coconut oil thing, that was dreamy!
Probably, rewrite the script and make them both fifty-year-olds instead. Until people are our age they can’t even fathom the idea that anyone over sixty could still have a sex life.
You're absolutely right about that, Shelley. My doctor said something similar a couple of years ago when I moved to Delaware. She noticed I was on bio-identical hormones and remarked, "I don’t understand why a woman your age would need those." When I explained that I enjoy sex and wanted better lubrication, she never brought it up again. I think when these people reach our age, their perspective might change. Ageism seems socially acceptable, especially by the medical establishment. They're old, therefore we are going to have a bunch of stupid ideas about them.