Thank you for this excellent post about writers giving to writers. As always, Kay, you keep us in the know. I will be visiting a couple of those sites that are new to me.

I must tell everyone about Emily Harstone. She sends me regular email updates in her publication, Author's Publish. In it, she gives writers information about publishers and which ones are open to submission and what they want.

Here is a link to check it out. https://authorspublish.com/#optin Like Substack, this link allows us to check it out before surrendering an email.

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Thank you, Ellen, for adding Emily Harstone, looks like a good one!

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Thank you, Lenny! And have a merry and safe one yourself! All the best, Kay

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Thanks for your list, Kay. I'm afraid I cannot really add free resources to it, but let me extend best wishes for the season and new year ahead!

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